Friday, August 26, 2011

Wary Wipers

We have been having the hardest time trying to convince the twins to wipe their own butts after they poop. With Kindergarten starting in less than a week, I am seriously concerned about their refusal to perform this simple task of personal hygiene. Moses, on the other hand, has attempted to wipe his own butt after pooping ever since I started harping on the twins, and after a failed first attempt that ended with a mound of non-flushable wipes in the toilet, he was actually semi-successful during yesterday's attempt. I admire Moses' willingness to at least try it, unlike his older brothers who are often so averse to trying new things, especially those that require them to become more self sufficient. They argue that they simply will never poop at Kindergarten, but I don't think they understand that they'll be at school, away from their butt-wiper of choice, for seven hours a day. Sometimes I feel like we're potty training all over again.

Unrelated but recently overheard:

Joshua, while putting together the United States puzzle: "Moses! You're messing up the 'Nited States. Why? WHY?"
Me: *Giggle*
Joshua, angrily: "Mommy! What's so funny?!"

Moses: "Mommy! Look at the geese!"
Me: "Where? That's not a goose. That's a pigeon."
Moses: "No! It's a GEESE!"
Me: "No, it's a pigeon. Come on, we need to go."
Moses, in a fit of rage: "NOOOO!"
Me: "Ok, it's a geese. Now let's just go."
Moses, calmly: "That's right. It's a geese. You only call it a geese, okay?"

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