Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Twins' First Trip to the Dentist

The twins had their first visit to the dentist last month. They were perfect angels and the dentist marveled at how cooperative they were while having their teeth examined and cleaned. He said they were the most laid-back kids he's ever worked on. When we went to have their cavities drilled and filled a couple weeks later, the dentist didn't need to use any anesthesia because the boys remained perfectly still the entire time, especially Caleb. I think the dentist was a little irritated that Joshua kept demanding, "Make it smoother! Make it smoother!" when he was polishing the filling, and said that he thought Joshua was destined to be a lawyer. I guess we can just add that the list of Joshua's career possibilities.

Ironically, one of the reasons I waited so long to take the twins to the dentist was because I imagined it'd be a total nightmare complete with screaming and handcuffs. I do think that their first visit to the dentist wouldn't have panned out nearly as well if I'd tried taking them when they were younger. Now that their receptive language skills have drastically improved, I was able to talk to them about the dentist ahead of time and make it sound like a wonderfully fun and exciting place, which they certainly thought it was.

The twins seemed to realize that their hygienists were a captive audience and didn't hesitate to talk up a storm before and after having their cavities filled. From the waiting room, I could hear them talking about Noah's Ark, Jesus, The Three Stooges, and a whole host of other topics. Afterwards, Caleb's hygienist asked me how old the twins are and was surprised when I told her that they are only five. She said she thought Caleb talked really well for a 5-year-old and couldn't believe it when I told her that they both had to attend a special ed preschool for speech and language. I guess they have made a lot of progress in the past couple years!

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