Friday, December 12, 2008

1, 2, Guitar

The boys are fascinated whenever I bring out my guitar.  Joshua likes to strum the strings and point out the location of the capo (which is clipped onto the headstock) while Caleb prefers to whisk his fingers up and down the fretboard.  Their favorite activity, though, is counting different parts of the guitar--strings, tuners, pegs, fret inlays, etc. (Note that when I say "counting" I really mean "begging me incessantly to count something so they can count along.")  Even though counting hinders me from using the guitar for its intended purposes, I'm nevertheless proud of my boys' mathematical inclinations, especially since their favorite things to count are the frets, all twenty-two of them.  The boys do a pretty good job of counting along, actually.  They cruise through one to twelve; "thirteen" eludes them, but they typically find their bearings by "sixteen" and confidently power through to "twenty" where a premature "twenty-twooo..." is soon followed by the true and glorious "twenty-TWO!"  After a few rounds of this they'll let me play my guitar in peace.

The boys also enjoy playing with my guitar case.  If it's lying flat on the floor, Caleb, for reasons beyond my understanding, is compelled to walk back and forth on it; I tend to avoid putting it in that position.  I do, however, like to sit the guitar case upright, lengthwise along the floor, which creates a makeshift ramp for the industrious Joshua to push his toy cars down.

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