Thursday, January 20, 2011

Will You Play With Me?

Joe: "Caleb, what do you want to be when you grow up?"
Caleb: "Oh, I don't know."
Joe: "Do you want to be the President of the United States?"
Caleb: "The United States? Sure! I want to be Texas!"
Joe: "You mean, you want to be governor of Texas?"
Caleb: "Yeah! And Joshua will be Idaho. And Moses will be Wisconsin."

"I'm mad at you, Mommy. I still love you, but I'm mad at you right now." --Caleb, after I somehow offended him.

"Will you play with me, Mommy?" --Caleb and Joshua say this all the time. I guess it's something they've picked up from the preschool social scene. They ask this in lieu of "will you forgive me?" when they know they've done something naughty and want to make sure that we're not going to hold it against them.

"I need my own gun. Where'd my own gun go?" --Moses, looking for the toy drill.

"I shoot a very naughty bad guy." --Moses, while holding his "own gun".

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