Sunday, January 16, 2011

Cody Maverick & Curious George

Here are a couple more Moses quotes from the past couple days. Tomorrow he will be 23 months old!

"Mommy, I am awake." --Moses, after being carried downstairs in his Daddy's arms after a nap.

"I don't wanna finish my egg, alright? Ok, Mommy, can I have cold pizza?" --Moses, lobbying that I overlook his uneaten breakfast and let him proceed directly into lunch.

"I wanna close that door because it scary in there!" --Moses, explaining why he closed the door to the basement. In case you didn't notice, this is a 10-word-sentence! Just to give you some context, according to the "My Toddler This Week" email I received today, at around age 2 a child should be able to "form two- to four-word sentences" such as "Bird fly high."

"Cody Maverick splashes in the water, like Curious George." --Moses, drawing a connection between characters in a book and a movie. In Curious George, George tries to fly like a bird and falls into the ocean. Cody Maverick is the main character of Surf's Up, a movie about surfing penguins.

By the way, we first rented Surf's Up at the Red Box at Safeway a couple weeks ago and liked it so much that we bought a used copy on Ebay. The other day I could tell that Joshua was in deep contemplation, so I asked him what he was thinking about. "Mommy, I love the baby Cody Maverick," he replied (there is a touching scene in the movie that flashes back to when Cody was a baby). Anyway, it's a really cute movie. The Wolfs give it 5 stars!

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