Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Caleb on the Potty

The process of trying to get the twins potty trained has been long and arduous (due to my laziness and their stubbornness) but the arrival of Baby Moses has made me realize how utterly enormous the boys are--too enormous to still be wearing diapers--and has prompted me to attack potty training with a renewed vigor. I am therefore happy to report that for the past week, Caleb has been wearing underwear (his Nemo aka "goldfish" underwear are his favorite) and peeing on the potty 100% of the time during the day. Even if he is wearing a diaper before bedtime, he will ask us, "want to use the potty?" when he needs to pee. He still asks for a diaper when he needs to poo, though. Joshua has peed on the potty several times, but in the past couple days has regressed and refuses to wear underwear. Much to our amusement, however, he eagerly says, "Good job, Caleb! You used the potty!" whenever his brother relieves himself on the toilet :)

1 comment:

  1. I love the white-on-white pictures of Moses in the March gallery. He looks like such a big kid! We're glad to hear that your adjustment to having another little one is going well.
