Monday, May 2, 2011

Milk and Gogi Burps

Here are a bunch of quotes I've been collecting over the past couple months...

Moses, talking about Mario after a recent visit to Granny and Babo's house during which he watched Daddy play a lot of Mario: "Mommy, does Mario fly? Moses no fly. Only Mario fly. Is star Mario friend? Mario has moustache."

Moses, lamenting the contents of his new piggy bank: "I don't have nothing!"

"I want to dream. When you dream, you get to have a cloud next to your head."

Caleb, while pulling my hair up: "Mommy, you look kind of like a goat."

Moses, while wearing Joe's eyeglasses:
"I look like a woman."

Moses, while watching a movie about the Easter story:
"I don't want the bad guys to get Jesus! I want Jesus to get the bad guys!"
Joshua: "Don't worry, baby, we will take care of the bad guys."

Moses, looking concerned: "Mommy, why is this door open?"
Me: "I opened it to let the smoke escape. Why, do you want to close it?"
Moses: "Yeah, because I don't want Daddy to go somewhere!"

Moses: "My leg got hurt. I want Mommy to kiss it."

Moses, announcing Mimi's arrival: "Mommy, your mom's here!"

Caleb, reading a street sign:
"It's King Street!"
Moses: "Just like King Jesus!"

Joshua, while playing with his long uncut hair: "Oh no, am I going to turn into a girl?"

Joshua: "I burped! My burp smelled good because it had milk and gogi in it."

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