Sunday, February 13, 2011

Twins' 5-Year Check-up

A couple days after I took Moses to the doctor for his 2-year check-up, I took Caleb and Joshua in for their belated 5-year check-up. Joshua now weighs 47 lbs and is 44.5 inches tall, which puts him in the 80th and 75th percentiles, respectively. Caleb weighs a little less but is still above average at 44.5 lbs, which is in the 65th percentile. He is in the 50th percentile for height at 43 inches. I have no doubt that the slight disparity in size is due to the fact that Joshua eats faster than Caleb, and therefore usually ends up eating more. The twins participated in a vision test for the first time (the one with the variously oriented "E's") and did a great job, passing with flying colors. Praise God for healthy boys!

I talked to the doctor at length about the twins' previously diagnosed language delays, and after conversing with them for a while, he said that he thought they seemed like perfectly normal five-year-olds. I told him that Caleb has made a lot of progress and is soon going to be graduated out of his special ed preschool program, but that Joshua might need to stay longer (which is fine with Joshua, because lately he's been telling me that he'd rather go to his special ed preschool than his community preschool). Of course, Caleb responded to most of the doctor's questions by saying "I don't know" while Joshua chatted up a storm and intelligently answered questions thoughout the duration of the hour-long visit. I tell you, just when we think we have the twins pegged, they always switch things up!

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