Thursday, November 11, 2010

Happy Half-Decade, Caleb and Joshua!

The boys accidentally downloaded a virus onto my laptop a few weeks ago, rendering it useless. That's why things have been quiet here lately. While my iPhone has kept me somewhat connected, typing out lengthy blog posts is not something I'm eager to attempt on a handheld device. Hopefully we'll get the laptop fixed soon.

Yesterday was Joshua and Caleb's 5th birthday! They had a fun-filled day which included a field trip to a local nature center, singing cards from Granny and Babo (which provided a good solid hour of entertainment), and concluded with a "really cool party" (according to Caleb) at Mimi and Papa's house, complete with steak, angel food cake, and the biggest hit of all--Pillow Pets from Uncle Chris. Apparently Pillow Pets are not only wildly popular with the preschool demographic, but also with the boys' preschool teacher's 12-year-old daughter and her friends, and one of their other teacher's 16-year-old daughter and her friends. And of course Moses was so distraught about not having a Pillow Pet of his own that Mimi and Papa went out and got him one of his own this evening. At $20 a pop, we regret not having invented Pillow Pets first!

While we may have missed out on some material investment opportunities in the world of stuffed animals/bedding, we have been busily investing in the lives of our sweet boys. While parenting twin babies is probably the craziest and most exhausting thing we've ever done and ever will do, it has totally been worth it and our hearts have been full as we've watched our babies grow up to be little men. What a blessing to have such pure and sweet 5-year-old boys who happily exclaim, "Praise the Lord!" when they're happy and are quick to pray, "Be healed in Jesus' name!" while laying hands on a hurt family member. We are so thankful for the blessing of the past 5 years, and for the many more to come.

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