Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Twins' 4-Year Check-up

The twins went in for their 4-year well child doctor's visit the day after their birthday. Considering their usual aversion to answering questions and speaking in complete sentences, Joe thought it'd be beneficial to drill them with some practice questions that the doctor might ask them during the examination, such as "what is your name?" and "how old are you?" We were a little concerned when, on the way to the doctor's office, Caleb answered one such question by replying, "my name is 4 years old" :-(

Thankfully, Joshua kicked off the doctor's visit with a confident display of mental aptitude when he cheerfully exclaimed, "Hi, Doctor!" when the doctor walked in the room. Phew! Then at the end of the visit, he asked the doctor, "why are you washing your hands?" which surprised us since the boys don't usually ask "why" questions. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately), our preparations were in vain since the doctor didn't ask the boys any of the questions we drilled them with, but at least they should now be able to accurately report their names and age to the legions of people who will invariably request this information from them whenever we go to the grocery store. I'm still waiting to find out at what age our (presumably) identical twins will stop drawing so much attention in public!

Anyway, this was the first year the boys were willing to stand to be weighed and measured. They were not perfect angels and squirmed enough to make us question the accuracy of the results, especially the heights, since I'm pretty sure that Joshua is significantly more than half an inch taller than Caleb. At any rate, this is what we were told: Caleb is 40.75 inches tall (55th %tile) and weighs 37 lbs. 4 oz. (70th %tile). Joshua is 41.25 inches tall (75th %tile) and weighs 39 lbs. 4 oz. (80th %tile).


  1. Dear Katie, I found that once my boys started school time FLEW by so fast. As far as being asked about them in the store... That will probably never end. They are so adorable! Once they are in high school (maybe before) and you are shopping alone and catch yourself talking to an empty shopping cart seat,:( You will find yourself peeping in carts at newborns and feeling a little tug at your heart when you hear that newborn cry,and asking strange moms about their babies. (or am i the only one that does that?)
    I think its a mommy phase. :)
    Love to you all,
    aunt faith

  2. Awww, Faith! I will try to remember to cherish them the next time we're at the store and they're running wild through the aisles!
