Sunday, November 15, 2009

The Elusive Deuce

Potty training has probably been my least favorite aspect of parenting thus far, rivaled only by the infant twins phase in which I rarely slept for more than one or two hours at a time for several months. Yes, it has been that bad. Caleb and Joshua have been peeing on the potty since early June and they've been pooping on the potty since early October, but there was a time not too long ago when I honestly believed that they would still be pooping in diapers on their 4th birthday.

Even though the twins wore underwear full-time during the day, when they needed to poop, they'd beg for a diaper. Any attempts to get them to sit on the potty to poop were met with blood-curdling shrieks and violent protest. When I eventually stopped caving in to their requests for a diaper, they'd schedule their poops around their sleeping schedules, since we still put them in diapers at bedtime. They'd either sneak in a poo right before bedtime or first thing in the morning before I even realized they were awake. Instead of their usual tradition of running into our bedroom and jumping into bed with me as soon as they woke up each morning, they'd stealthily poop in their diapers at their bedside, then postpone the inevitable scolding by lurking silently there until their stench wafted out of their room to greet my beleaguered nose. I would berate them, change their diapers, then we'd get on with our lives until the next morning. It was a vicious cycle.

Then one mild early October morning, I had not been feeling well and was lying in bed trying to get some extra rest when the boys staggered into our bedroom with soggy, stinky diapers, pestering me to change them. I buried my head in my pillow and refused. They continued to whine and plead, and that's when I decided enough was enough. I got dressed, escorted them outside, removed their diapers, and hosed them down, calmly explaining to them that this is what would happen from now on if they pooped in their diapers. The boys loved being sprayed with the hose in the context of playing outside in their swimsuits, but this time they knew I was not playing games. Meanwhile, Moses had crawled up to the screen door to see what all the fuss was about. I went to greet him, only to discover a sticky brown substance on his hands and knees. Upon further investigation, I concluded that he had crawled through poo that had leaked out of his brothers' diapers and fallen onto the living room rug. I was furious!

I ushered the twins back into the house and escorted them directly to the bathtub, where they proceeded to take a cold shower. Just like with the hose, they have previously been known to enjoy and even request cold showers, but this time they knew it was not for fun. While they were in the shower, I washed off Moses and gave him a new change of clothes, then cleaned and disinfected the rug. After a few minutes, I let the boys out of the bathtub and dried them off, explaining to them that from now on, every time they pooped in their diapers they'd get a cold shower in addition to being sprayed with the hose. They earnestly promised they would poop on the potty from now on, and a couple days later, after much coaxing, a few tears, and ample reassurance that "you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you", they did it! They haven't even had any major accidents since then.

Just as we suspected, the twins were fully capable of being potty trained a long time ago--they were just too stubborn and it took some rather drastic measures to break them of their stubbornness. They now take great pride in pooping on the potty. Caleb still likes for us to sit with him and coach him through the process, but Joshua requests that we close the door and give him privacy while he takes care of business. We're so proud of them both, and are so relieved that this unpleasant chapter of parenting our sweet twins is finally over.


  1. Even though getting them to this point was rough, it's nice that they're not prone to accidents frequently. They're really good at knowing when they need to go and telling us beforehand, which makes me glad.

    Interesting side story: Joshua was using the potty at Mimi and Papa's and accidentally dribbled on his underwear, so he pleaded for another pair. I tried to get him to wear his pants commando-style but he adamantly refused. We had no spare pair of underwear on hand, but there was another pair of pants in the car; I went to get them in the hope that they would be enthralling enough for Joshua to wear without underwear.

    After I brought them in, Caleb took notice and, of course, began begging for them as I attempted to entice Joshua to put them on. Finally, in a moment of clarity, I asked Caleb if he'd like to trade his underwear for the new pants. He agreed happily. Then, to Joshua's joy, I put him in Caleb's underwear. Both boys were all grins; Caleb was walking around, proudly displaying his new pants while Joshua rejoiced in having a non-dampened pair of underwear. It was one of the few moments where I felt truly successful as a parent :)

  2. hey guys,

    first off, katie you are a superstar. how utterly gross little boys can be. (i know they can be great, also, just saying that is so unpleasant.) THANK YOU for sharing the stories. it really does help and sort of prepare me for the terror of yucky boy stuff ahead. and it's funny to read the word deuce, because i have the mind of a 4 year old. haha. but your boys are smarty pants (and speaking of pants, joe, brilliant solution! it never would have occurred to me) so i'm glad they realized that their behavior was NOT acceptable especially to their baby bro. eeek. it makes me wonder how jack will be. but then i stop because i probably can't imagine the nasty things he'll get into so i'll deal with them as they come!

  3. first - WAY TO GO JOSHUA AND CALEB!!!

    Katie, I loved your creative problem solving!! Sounds like you got their attention.

  4. I'm so glad to hear that your potty training has finally been working. It's definitely one of the less fun parts of parenting!

  5. Di, little boys can definitely be gross, although I personally would prefer grossness over stubbornness any day!

    Speaking of gross, I forgot to mention that the boys (especially Caleb, being the artist he is) like to admire their poops. While gazing proudly into the toilet bowl, they will say things like, "Mommy, I made a snake!" or "Mommy, look at all the worms!" or "Mommy, I made a rabbit!" depending on the consistency and volume of their output. I can't help but wonder if little girls say and think about this kind of stuff, too...

  6. Good Job Boys! Nice Work Katie! :)
    I am always so glad to read that I am not the only one struggling with things like getting the kiddo (or kiddos in your case) to poop on the potty... Addison is a big fan of the right before bed or first thing in the morning use of the diaper as well. Frustrating because not only do I have to change her when she knows how to use the potty, but at night it wakes her up for another 30 minutes of running around trying to avoid bed! Ahh. While it is a bit chilly here in Denver to take her outside and hose her down I'm thinking that a cold shower may do the trick.
    And for the record, little girls DO say and think about things like that too... Addison's running commentary of what OTHER people are doing (or what she thinks they are doing) every time we go into a public restroom is gross and embarassing to say the least. Ah, the joys of motherhood... trying at times, but wouldn't trade it for the world!
