Monday, November 30, 2009

Somersaults and Standing

A few weeks ago, around the time of his 4th birthday, Caleb went all the way across the monkey bars all by himself. In the week or so leading up to this grand accomplishment, he'd been dangling from everything--doorknobs, towel bars, Mommy and Daddy--building up his upper body strength. Conquering the monkey bars seems to be a sort of rite of passage amongst preschoolers that few have mastered, so he was very proud of himself. Joshua isn't quite there yet, his progress being no doubt hampered by the extra pounds he carries! Both twins, however, can do a perfect somersault. We're pretty sure they got the idea by observing our neighbor Lily somersault around the front yard, and decided to try it out for themselves. Now they're always saying "Mommy, Daddy, watch this!" as they tumble all over the living room floor. Given the boys' flair for acrobatics and high energy level that isn't easily contained within our little house, we've been thinking about asking Santa for a trampoline for Christmas!

Meanwhile, we have caught Moses standing up without holding onto anything for a few seconds at a time. When he realizes that we're watching him, he'll become bashful and drop down to his knees. Who knows, maybe he's been standing for even longer periods of time when we're not looking! In this respect, I wonder if Moses' personality will turn out to be more like Caleb's, who likes to make sure he's got a skill nailed down perfectly before showing it off. I looked back at our blog archives, and as it turns out, Joshua had been standing independently and for longer periods of time even earlier than Moses! We'd predicted that Moses would be an earlier walker since he started crawling so early and since he is just so big in general, but maybe he'll follow in his brothers' footsepts and wait until after his 1st birthday. Only time will tell!

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