Tuesday, June 9, 2009

President Raisin

Of the 5 senses, Caleb and Joshua seem to have grasped onto "smell" much more so than see, hear, taste, or touch. For example, this morning they were eating blueberries with their breakfast. Caleb picked up a blueberry and said, "smells like a ball." Another example is when the boys were eating "chips" the other day (and by "chips" I mean toasted and sliced plain corn tortillas, which the boys happily accept as "chips"), after a few strategic bites Joshua held it up and said, "smells like a boat." They also use "smells" appropriately at times, too, such as when they sniff their bottle of gummy vitamins and proclaim that it "smells like popsicles". I'm guessing that they latched onto smell so strongly because we'll frequently tell them their dirty diaper "smells like a barn" or "smells like an elephant".

By far the most amusing instance of the boys prescribing a scent to an item was during breakfast one morning a few weeks ago. While studying his placemat featuring the United States presidents, Joshua suddenly proclaimed, "smells like a raisin, Mommy". The boys usually say that their wrinkled fingertips "smell like raisins" after a long shower or a swim in the pool, but Joshua hadn't been doing either of those things that morning. "What looks like a raisin?" I asked him. Joshua pointed to a portrait of one of our presidents and said "smells like a raisin". I looked closely and laughed, thoroughly amused that of all our esteemed presidents, Joshua decided that one of the biggest fruits who's ever held that office most resembled a wrinkly raisin. From time to time, Joshua likes to remind me that Jimmy Carter "smells like a raisin" just because he knows it will make me laugh.

ETA: I found a picture of our placemat so you can see the raisin for yourself:
Can you identify the raisin?


  1. Sure he wasn't talking about the guy to the right - Ronald Raisin?

    To me, Carter smells more like peanuts...

  2. I guess you could say he is a California Raisin! And yes, Carter is definitely even nuttier than he is fruity.
