Friday, October 5, 2007


W is the boys' favorite letter. They can't pronounce it yet, but they love it. They regularly quarrel over the W and M (since M looks like W when it's upside down) pieces of their alphabet puzzle. Caleb especially likes to walk around the house clutching a W in each hand, occasionally stopping to hold them up to me and ask me to say "W".

Last night Caleb fell asleep at the table in the middle of dinner because he had skipped his nap earlier that day. As is always the case when they don't nap at the same time, the awake twin (in this case, Joshua) grew lonesome for his brother's company. In an effort to lure Caleb away from his slumber, Joshua retrieved the two W puzzle pieces and offered Caleb the red W, which happens to be the most coveted W. While ineffective, it was a very magnanimous gesture that illustrates the boys' mutual affection for the letter W.

We think it's pretty neat that the boys like W so much, considering their last name (and Caleb's middle name) begins with W. Maybe they like W because it sounds so much different than its one-syllable counterparts, or maybe our fondness of President Bush has rubbed off on them, who knows? But for whatever reason, W is the boys' favorite letter.

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