Wednesday, October 10, 2007


It's hard to believe that one month from today, Caleb and Joshua will be 2 years old!

Lately the boys have become quite good at acting. For instance, these days everything we feed them is allegedly scalding hot. The mere sight of a plateful of lukewarm eggs will cause them to quiver in fear. Even a mouthful of cool, creamy yogurt prompts them to draw their fists to their mouths and wince in superficial pain. "Now I know that is NOT hot!" we tell them.

Sadly, the boys must have grown accustomed to having us accidentally bonk their heads against the car door opening when we lift them up into their carseats. Lately whenever we put them in their car seats, their precious noggins clearly unscathed, they will dramatically clutch their heads and rub their imaginary wounds while pouting and saying "ow! ow!"


  1. That post was hilarious! Your boys sound hysterical and you do such a great job capturing all the funny moments. Noah is very sensitive to hot things, too. But his new thing is trying some food and shaking his head and saying "not hot, not hot."

  2. That post was hilarious! Your boys sound hysterical and you do such a great job capturing all the funny moments. Noah is very sensitive to hot things, too. But his new thing is trying some food and shaking his head and saying "not hot, not hot."
