Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Joshua put something back where it belongs!

Today Joshua and Caleb were rummaging through the lower kitchen cabinets, just as they do every day. In one cabinet Joshua stumbled upon the pot that goes in the rice cooker, and thinking it would make a fascinating toy, he removed it from the rice cooker and carried it out to the living room where he flung it around, kicked it, wore it on his head, etc. Then about 15 minutes later when he was done playing, he came back into the kitchen, opened the appropriate cabinet, and placed the pot back inside of the rice cooker, and shut the cabinet door! I was standing at the sink washing dishes the whole time, and was completely amazed to see him demonstrate such remarkable carefulness and thought, particularly in light of his recent bouts of wild and unruly behavior. What a smart boy!


  1. Joshua did not get this from my side of the family :)

  2. How adorable! I also love the "don't mess with Joshua" picture. That is too cute.
