Thursday, June 23, 2011

PM Pottying: Progress or Pain?

For the past two nights, Moses has woken up in the middle of the night to use the potty. Last night, he woke up to go four times! Each time, I said, "Moses, you can just pee in your diaper", to which he adamantly replied, "No!" as if he found the mere suggestion insulting. And then of course he refused to put his diaper (or even underwear) back on afterwards. While I am proud that he's doing so well, I can't help but wonder if I've created a monster. Before Moses was potty trained, at least I could count on a good night's sleep every night!

A few quotes:

Me: "Moses, do you want watermelon or strawberries for breakfast?"
Moses, probably remembering all the watermelon I force-fed him during potty-training: "Strawberry. I don't want watermelon because I don't want go pee."

Moses: "Hey Caleb, I pooped!"
Caleb: "Oh wow, good job, baby!"
Moses: "And I peed, too!"
Caleb: "Wow, Moses, you're really growing up!"

Joshua, not yet cognizant of double negatives: "Jesus is never not a ghost. Jesus is never not a witch. He is a good man."

Joshua: "I bet Jesus has a sword."
Caleb: "Hmm, probably! A sword to get the bad guys."

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