Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Num num num

While Moses' Biblical namesake was not much of an orator, we have been quite impressed by our 11-month-old's verbal communication skills. "Num num" is what Moses says when he wants to eat or drink something. Usually, he will point his index finger at the object he wishes to consume and say, "num num num" until we figure out what he wants and give it to him. He will even refer to some of his favorite treats by name, saying "baaah-na num num num" while pointing at a bunch of bananas sitting on the counter, or "joooo num num num" while pointing to a glass of juice on the table. We are so pleased that Moses has figured out how to effectively communicate with us this way instead of crying (which is what a certain set of twins often resorted to when they were about the same age)!

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