Sunday, June 6, 2010

Switching to Flickr

We've had a lot of trouble with our hosting company (among other things, they deleted all of the images from this website without telling us!), so we're closing down shop and moving over to Flickr. Not only will it cut down on maintenance time, but you'll also be able to comment on individual photos, see photos in high resolution, and even order prints if you'd like. The only catch is that, for a variety of reasons, we've decided to go private. I know it's more inconvenient than the existing setup, but we think it's worth it for the sake of our boys' privacy and safety. So come be friends with "Our Baby Wolfs" on Flickr! If you'd like me to send you an invitation to be one of our contacts, leave a comment here or send me an email. Thanks!

We are hoping to keep up the blog, too... we're not sure where or in what format, but we'll keep you posted.


  1. Ooh, ooh, send me an invite! We've been languishing over here without our regular dose of Wolf boys! :)

  2. Send me an invite too!
