Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Jesus Gave it to You

This morning, as usual, Caleb and Joshua were chatting with the men from the pool company while they conducted their weekly cleaning of our pool. As usual, the boys drilled the men about their equipment and wanted to know everything they were doing each step of the way. Then, apparently feeling the need to state the obvious, Caleb informed one of the men, "I have a swimming pool!"

"Yes, you have a very nice swimming pool," the man replied, to which Caleb immediately responded, "Jesus gave it to you!" (Of course what he meant was, "Jesus gave it to us"... the correct use of pronouns is one of the things we're trying to work on with the boys). Anyway, the man, certainly not expecting to hear that, smiled and chuckled to himself. As humorous as it was, Caleb's bold witness couldn't be futher from the truth--Jesus did give us our pool! I can only imagine how different this world would be if all believers shared Caleb's boldness in telling others about Him.

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