Caleb has learned a new body part, and he can say it, too! If you ask him where his eye is, he'll point to the general vicinity of one of his eyes and say "EYE!" He has known where his eye is for about a week now, but today when he poked me in the eye and said "eye!" was the first time he put two and two together. What a smart muffin!
This past week Joshua has gotten in several new teeth, including a couple of big ole molars. Needless to say, none of us have been getting much sleep lately!
Also, I have figured out a way to make the boys stop crying (provided that they're not crying b/c they're hungry or hurt)- comb their hair! Today Joshua was shedding tears over a toy that Caleb snatched away (usually it's the other way around) so I got my hairbrush and started combing his hair, and he stopped crying almost immediately. Then Caleb insisted that I comb his hair, too. Then later on they wanted their (already dry) hair blow-dried. These boys and their hair!
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