Saturday, March 10, 2007

16 Months Old

Caleb peed on the potty twice yesterday! The first time I put the boys on the potty, I made a "shhh-shhh" sound effect to try to encourage them to pee. Now, every time the boys sit on the potty, they say "Shhh-shhh." They are learning new things every day. If you ask them where their hands are, they will show you, and if you ask our little animal-lover Caleb "where is the horse?" he will point to the horse among an assortment of animals. Same thing for a bunny. Joshua has learned what a hat is and will always find Grandpa's hat and take it to him and insist that he put it on his head.

The boys are becoming more independent and adventurous. They prefer to feed themselves, if possible. They are quite good at holding a banana and taking bites like a grown-up. They won't eat it if I cut it into baby-sized chunks. Lately I've gotten into a baking mood and have been baking whole grain bread, buckwheat waffles, and whole wheat cinnamon rolls from scratch, and the boys have enjoyed eating those as well.

Caleb and Joshua love climbing up onto the couch and onto the end table where our home phone is stationed. They like dial random numbers on the phone and "call" their friend the operator who always informs them that the number they have called is not valid, and they will hold the phone up to their ear and "talk" back to her. If they hear the phone ring they will run over to it and start "talking" to it.

Oh, and you may have noticed that I've finally gotten around to adding some movies to the website. I'll be posting more when I get a chance, so check back often!


  1. Wow, those boys are growing up so fast! Addison loves to watch the movies of the boys, she finds them more entertaining than Baby Einstein! :-)

  2. Katie, the movies are hilarious! Mike and I have loved watching them!

  3. Katie, the movies are hilarious! Mike and I have loved watching them! It's so nice that the boys have each other to play with as they grow up.

  4. oh my gosh I just watched the movie of the boys kicking each other to make themselves laugh and I cracked up!! i'm sure the kicks were mere love-taps, but i love that they entertain each other so well.

    keep 'em coming.


  5. Sorry for the double post -- my connection timed out in the middle.
