It's well established by now that Caleb's a chocolate fiend, but his cravings reached an unprecedented height the week before Christmas. Shortly before bed, Caleb wandered into the dining room and asked to see a tin perched on top of the hutch. I obliged, primarily because I was relieved that I had finally identified what he wanted ("Want this. Want this." *aimless pointing towards the hutch* "Want thissss!"). In retrospect I should have used more prudence since the tin was full of Ghirardelli chocolate squares. Of course, his next demands were "Want choc'late. Want choc'late." but I firmly refused to open up one of the squares for him.
Later, while I was tucking him in bed for the night, I noticed he was still clutching a mint chocolate square. "Maybe I should take it away," I thought, but I figured that it was well sealed and that there'd be less commotion if I just let him keep it until he fell asleep.
As we all lay in bed, it wasn't long before I heard the crinkling of chocolate wrapper. I remained confident the wrapper was impenetrable, but after a minute of constant crinkling, I began to suspect otherwise. So I leaned over to where Caleb was laying and was immediately greeted with the smell of minty chocolate. We turned on the lights and noticed chocolate all over his hands, his face (which was also adorned with an ear-to-ear smile), and the pillow. Although we reprimanded him as we washed him off and re-brushed his teeth, I could tell he was pretty pleased with himself.
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