Caleb developed a bad diaper rash over the past couple days, so today I decided to let him go diaperless in an effort to air things out down under. In the absence of a diaper, he sat on the potty several times today. While sitting, we read books, played "where's your nose/wrist/eyebrows/thighs/etc.", and I even complied with his peculiar fashion specifications, including wearing a bib and blue socks on top of red socks.
Even as I was sitting here writing this, Caleb told me he needed to go so I sat him on the potty and he went pee again! Wow, twice in a row! Let's hope he'll keep this up!
Edited to add... Caleb peed on the potty again tonight! He wore a diaper briefly this evening when we went out to get dinner, but it was dry when he took it off when we got home, so that means he didn't wet his diaper at all today. What a big boy!
WOOHOO!!!! GO CALEB!! That is so exciting!!! :)