Saturday, September 20, 2008

Big Brothers

After measuring 3 weeks ahead at my last appointment, all suspicions and worries were put to rest yesterday when the ultrasound machine revealed that we are having another boy... just one big one! That's right, I am officially outnumbered 4 to 1 by the men in this household :) We are all very excited about the new Wolf cub who will be joining us in early February. Big brothers Caleb and Joshua like to hug and kiss my belly and proclaim their love for the baby, whom they have been known to refer to as "Baby Moses". We have also trained them to be very conscientious about being gentle with the baby in Mommy's belly, and now whenever they take a whack at each other, they will scold each other, saying, "Be careful! There's a baby in there! Don't hurt the baby!"

As novel as it would have been to have two sets of twins, the news of a singleton has ushered in a sense of peace, lifting a huge weight off of our shoulders. Finally, I will get a taste of the blissful newborn babymoon experience that I often hear other mothers speak so fondly of. I am personally looking forward to the luxury of getting more than 45 minutes of sleep at a time and feeling more like a mommy than a milk machine. Compared to the newborn twins experience, I daresay that taking care of a newborn singleton is going to seem like a vacation!


  1. Katie and Joe,
    I missed the memo on this one--I had no idea you were expecting again. Many Congrats!

  2. Katy,

    The other day, I was on the phone with my mom who informed me that you found out what you were having. The conversation went something like this.

    My mom: "So, Katy had an ultrasound and found out what she's having!"
    Me: "Wow! How exciting!"
    My mom: "So, now, next year, there will be 5 babies"
    Me: "WHAT???? She's having triplets now??
    My mom: "Oh I meant to mention that's at the beach. The two other babies are the Butt and Starr babies."

    I found that funny! Congratulations on baby #3!

  3. OMG!!! This is what happens when I miss the picnic. CONGRATULATIONS!!! God bless your family like He has until now...This is so exciting...

  4. Wow -- I am so out of the loop on things! Congratulations! You all are going to think it's a piece of cake this time around!

  5. Thanks, everyone! And you all really weren't that out of the loop... we decided to keep this pregnancy a surprise (at least online) until we found out what we're having!

  6. Cute new belly photos! :o) Hope that you're doing well!
