If Joshua and Caleb's need for my attention is urgent, or if they perceive that we are in a place where I am not uniquely "Mommy", they will drop all formalities and call me by my first name.
"Katie! Ewww, there's a big spider!" About 75% of the time when I hear the boys call me by my first name, it's because they have happened upon a malicious-looking bug, usually a spider or a cricket, and want me to come resolve the situation immediately. If it's an ant, they will simply stomp on it, if it's a mosquito they will try to slap it, if it's a bee they will (unwisely) swat at it. But spiders are Katie's responsibility... lucky me!
When we are at a playground where there are lots of other kids with their moms, they have figured out that it's easiest to get my attention if they call for "Katie!" instead of "Mommy!" I personally think it was pretty smart of them to have figured this out.
They also like to call their daddy by his first name on occasion. A lot of times it's when they can hear him approaching the front door after being away at work all day. They will hear his keys jingling at the door and will happily call out, "Joe! Joe! Joe!" in eager anticipation of Daddy's arrival.
Love it!