Sometimes I can't help but compare Caleb and Joshua's development to other kids their age and wonder if they are "on track". One of my friends can ask her son (who is the same age as our boys), "Would you like to eat an apple, a banana, or pretzels?" and he will calmly mumble something to her, and she will reply "Oh, you want an apple? Ok!" I found myself gaping at this exchange in awe, considering that our boys are more likely to convey their food preferences in the form of pointed fingers, high-pitched shrieks, or Caleb's favorite phrase as of late, "ahbidgee-bijah!", which we've determined means a variety of things. Another friend has told me that her son (who is also the boys' age) has started speaking in sentences. Our boys will "speak" in sentences, sure, but none that any English-speaking person can understand! Also, Halmoni says (and has photos to prove) that when I was the boys' age, I could feed myself a sliced-in-half grapefruit with a spoon. The boys' favorite thing to do with a spoonful of food is fling it through the air. I'm even lucky if I can get a break from holding the boys' sippy cups for them while they drink!
I have been told that I should attribute Caleb and Joshua's verbal shortcomings to the fact that they are twins and that they don't feel as great an urgency to learn to communicate with others, namely their parents and other people who speak English, since they can commuicate with each other in their own "twin language". Perhaps this is true, I've decided to let myself think that it is. As far as their motor skills are concerened, though, I probably have nothing to blame but my own uptight tendency to cringe at messes and wastefulness. Perhaps what's holding the boys back is my hesitancy to allow them to "feed themselves" (or in other words "fling across the room and smear all over their faces and clothes") organic baby yogurt that is nearly worth its weight in gold.
I've read that, in general, boys take longer to develop fine motor coordination and to speak in words (as opposed to noises, like grunts and squeals) than girls. Add to that the fact that your kids are half Joe "Wrestlemania" Wolf, and you have your explanation. :) Besides, I bet it won't be long before they demand to do certain things by themselves, messes or not. When I start to worry about whether Michael is meeting targets or how he compares to other boys his age, I remember that there are very few sixteen-year-olds that still can't, for example, hold their heads up while on their tummies, and I figure that he'll eventually learn in the end.
ReplyDeleteOf course, we'll see how well I take my own advice as he gets bigger ...
P.S. Your picture is really cute!
Thanks Kellan :) When you're keeping track of whether Michael is meeting his milestones, I hope you're taking into account that he was born 5 weeks early! That certainly makes a difference. I'm sure he's doing really, really well compared to most "preemies". Oh, and I think your comment has helped Joe realize that maybe he shouldn't let the boys watch too much wrestling on TV ;) For that, I thank you :)
ReplyDeleteRelax and enjoy your boys, Katie dear. I think all mothers do the comparing thing occationally even as they get older, however, it is of no value. Your boys are developing just fine and you are a wonderful mother. Let your babies be babies. Enjoy each stage knowing that "this too will pass" and they will be in high school before you know it. Move closer to us and i would be delighted to help hold sippy cups!!
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