I'm convinced that the boys would subsist solely on Earth's Best Organic Cheddar crackers if I let them. At $2 per 5-oz. box (they can eat one box a day), their addiction can get a little pricey, not to mention that it's not a very well-rounded diet. Well, I'm proud to say that we've been cracker-free for almost a week! Their last cracker was on Monday, and now it's Saturday morning. Instead, I baked some carrot bread and they love it! It took a whole bag of baby carrots, and I added some ground up flax seed and used honey instead of sugar for extra healthiness. They've been eating so much carrot bread that the presents they've been leaving us in their diapers have been bright orange .
This week the boys have started climbing onto the dining table, then doing such wonderful things as shredding napkins and scattering them everywhere. I tell them "no!" and make them get down, but they are very persistent. Also, Caleb's started a new thing where if you call his name or tell him "no" he will lower his head, divert his eyes, and smile slyly while he turns his head and runs away . He will either react this way, or he will feel really bad for what he's done and break out into tears. There's no middle ground with this passionate boy!
By the way, chasing after twin toddlers (who still don't let you sleep through the night) can be very tiring and cause you to do things you ordinarily wouldn't. Like leave car doors wide open in mall parking lots . Yup. The other day the boys and I went to the mall with Megan and while we were in Lord & Taylor, I heard our car's license plate # being announced over the intercom. So I ran out to the parking lot and the rear driver's side door was wide open. Thankfully no one helped themselves to either of our $300 carseats
Now, I have always been extremely vigilant about locking car and house doors, etc., so I was quite devasted and in my shame almost didn't tell Joe what I had done... but I did, and he then admitted to me that he was guilty of doing the same thing in the Wal-Mart parking lot a couple months ago! So that, ladies and gentlemen, is what having twins will do to you! But needless to say, it is SO worth it
Don't feel too bad about the car doors, Katie! The more I learn about raising a child, the more I am completely in awe that you and Joe managed to get through the infant stage with two boys. Whenever I start getting overwhelmed, I think that, if you two could do it, then it should be easy for us. You're definitely entitled to some moments of being simply human. :)
ReplyDeleteBy the way, do you buy flaxseed pre-ground, or do you grind it yourself? I've been looking all over for pre-ground flaxseed because the seeds are too fine to use our coffee grinder.
Thanks Kellan! I buy them whole and grind them in our coffee grinder, but I noticed they sell them pre-ground at Whole Foods for $1 more.
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