Ok, from now on I really need to stop labeling the boys' personalities! They keep switchin' things up on us! Recently Caleb has become very adventurous, which had previously been Joshua's role. He has climbed to the stop of the stairs at Halmoni and Grandpa's house a couple times when we weren't looking (Joshua hasn't) and every time we let the boys run around outside, Caleb makes a bee-line for the street! We aren't sure what has gotten into him. So much for being the "cautious twin"!
Caleb's wild side is also emerging in how he plays with Joshua. Joe likes to play Wrestlemania with the boys, and lately Caleb has been trying out some of his Daddy's wrestling moves on sweet unsuspecting Joshua. Caleb will come up to Joshua and throw his arms around him and pin him to the ground, then hit him on the chest once he's down, just like they do in the WWE. Then Caleb seems surprised and concerned when Joshua starts bawling in response to such treatment... that's not how Daddy reacts to his attacks!
Perhaps one explanation for all of this switching is that the boys teach things to each other and copy each other's actions. If one boy yanks off his socks, you can be sure that the other boy's feet will also soon be bare. They've recently taught each other how to make funny sounds by strumming their fingers across their lips, and since my last post Caleb has taught Joshua how to dance and Praise the Lord by lifting his hands up in the air. It's nice to see that they can be good influences on each other, too.
I couldn't understand some parts of this article Switcharoo, but I guess I just need to check some more resources regarding this, because it sounds interesting.