Monday, April 17, 2006

First Easter

Last weekend Grammy Susan gave the boys a bunch of fun new Easter books to read. Aunt Suzanne, who was Katie's "twin" sister when she was a little girl, sent them fuzzy Easter bunny baskets and lots of toys and cute clothes all the way from Washington (state, not DC!). The boys say "thank you Aunt Suzanne and we can't wait to meet you in person someday soon!"

On Easter morning the boys went to church and saw some real live bunnies, lambs, and a donkey. Then Uncle Chris, Sooja Emo, and Mama Lena all came over to our (Halmoni and Grandpa's) house for lunch. Sooja Emo brought the boys lots of treats from her trip to San Francisco, including some hilarious hats which you can see the boys modeling in the April Gallery. All in all, the boys had a great Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus!

We fondly recall last Easter when we first shared with our families the good news that we were expecting a baby (that's when we also found out that our good friends Trent and Siobhan were expecting, too)! Who would've guessed a year later we'd be here with not just one baby, but twins! We thank God for our many blessings.

1 comment:

  1. For the record, Sooja didn't bring the boys Rice a' Roni, which is the definitive San Franciso treat.
