Friday, April 28, 2006

Won't you be my neighbor?

On Wednesday Caleb and Joshua met some new neighbor babies! In the afternoon they went for a walk with Mommy and met Madison and Kyle who live around the corner and down the street. Then later in the evening when Daddy came home from work, we went for another walk and met baby Matthew, who was on a walk with his mommy who was in labor with his little sister Mary! We all walked around the block together once before they decided it was time to go to the hospital. Turns out they live in Aunt Joyce's old house where Katie practically spent half of her childhood playing with the boys' Aunt Suzanne! Maybe Joshua and Caleb will get to play with their new friends in that house someday, too!

Sunday, April 23, 2006

Meeting Mi

This afternoon the boys went on an outing to their second cousin Tae's apartment and met their Aunt Mi who was visiting from Califorrnia. She was very happy to meet them! We all enjoyed a nice walk outside to a Korean restaurant where Tae treated everyone to a delicious dinner! Thank you, Tae!

Saturday, April 22, 2006

Old Country Blessings

This evening we went to OCB with Halmoni and Grandpa. Midway through the meal Joshua was getting antsy so a Korean lady who was sitting at the table next to ours offered to hold him so we could eat. Joshua calmed down immediately in her arms. She asked us what his name is, and we told her it was Joshua. Her husband then exclaimed, "Oh, then his twin must be Caleb!" Turns out her husband and the other man sitting with them are pastors (most people act confused when we tell them Caleb's name- they usually think we said "Kayla" and assume we have boy-girl twins.) Anyway, the pastors said "Oh, that's terrific, our nation needs to raise up good leaders like Joshua and Caleb!" Then they said "Let's pray!" and laid their hands on the boys and prayed blessings on them right there in Old Country Buffet! We thought that was pretty cool.

Friday, April 21, 2006

What's up, Doc?

Yesterday the boys visited the doctor who delivered them! She was smitten by their cuteness and impressed by their large size, considering they were only a little over 6 lbs. the last time she saw them!

Lately the boys have been perfecting their sitting up skills. Caleb can maintain an unassisted sitting position for almost 10 minutes before he gets tired and topples over. He sits and plays with toys we place in front of him. Joshua is also getting better at sitting up, but still would rather play on his tummy- a position Caleb is not as fond of.

The boys are playing and interacting with each other a lot more these days. They like to hold hands and suck each other's fists, and when they're looking at each other they'll smile, wave their arms, and kick their legs in excitement!

Monday, April 17, 2006

First Easter

Last weekend Grammy Susan gave the boys a bunch of fun new Easter books to read. Aunt Suzanne, who was Katie's "twin" sister when she was a little girl, sent them fuzzy Easter bunny baskets and lots of toys and cute clothes all the way from Washington (state, not DC!). The boys say "thank you Aunt Suzanne and we can't wait to meet you in person someday soon!"

On Easter morning the boys went to church and saw some real live bunnies, lambs, and a donkey. Then Uncle Chris, Sooja Emo, and Mama Lena all came over to our (Halmoni and Grandpa's) house for lunch. Sooja Emo brought the boys lots of treats from her trip to San Francisco, including some hilarious hats which you can see the boys modeling in the April Gallery. All in all, the boys had a great Easter celebrating the resurrection of our Lord Jesus!

We fondly recall last Easter when we first shared with our families the good news that we were expecting a baby (that's when we also found out that our good friends Trent and Siobhan were expecting, too)! Who would've guessed a year later we'd be here with not just one baby, but twins! We thank God for our many blessings.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Five months!

Happy 5 month birthday, Caleb and Joshua!

Sunday, April 9, 2006

Over the hills and through the woods...

This weekend the twins visited their Gr____ and Gr____ Wolf (actual appellations TBD)! They were surprised by how little the boys sleep (see, we haven't been fabricating these tales of sleeplessness... It's actually pretty remarkable how big the boys have grown in spite of the paltry amount of sleep they get)! The boys also cheered up their Great Grandma Wolf with a visit, and enjoyed showers of attention at their grandparents' church!

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Sitting Wolfs

Joshua sat up on his own for about a minute today! Caleb sat up for about 30 seconds!